man, sitting, back

So you wish to learn how to treat gout? The truth is, there’s absolutely no cure for gout. The good news is that gout is the simplest type of arthritis to deal with and the pain can be removed rather easily, sometimes within 24 hours. .

3 Sure Gout Remedies

I’ve got some gout remedies for you that will knock out your gout pain fast and easy since they treat the root cause of gout, the build up of uric acid crystals in your joint, in addition to the pain.

Charcoal Ingestion

The first and possibly the most direct approach to fight gout with charcoal would be to ingest it. No, I do not mean eating charcoal balls straight from the bag, you must mix only a little bit of it with water. Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon. Of charcoal and combine it with a fair quantity of liquid of your choice and drink it. If you are having a difficult time, try mixing it with a very strong-tasting liquid to mask the flavor of charcoal.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You might not have heard of this before but apple cider vinegar is among the best ways to naturally balance the body’s ph. If that you are having a gout attack then it is also possible to take 1 cup of vinegar and 6 cups of water and soak your affected joint in it. This can help with the swelling and the pain.

Another good method to use apple cider vinegar is to take 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and combine it with a glass of water. Drink this 3 times each day. This is great as a preventative measure or to supplement your other gout remedies through an attack.


Cherries contain anthocyanins that are a natural anti – inflammatory agent and operate similar to the way prescription medication does to reduce swelling and inflammation. Cherries are also a natural way to decrease the quantity of uric acid in the body, which makes them almost two in one way to treat gout.

Bonus Tip: Charcoal Compact

Another simple way to use charcoal for gout is to produce a compact using it. For this you’ll require a special sort of charcoal called activated charcoal and some flax seeds. Take several teaspoons of flax seeds and add them to 1 cup of activated charcoal. Now gradually mix in warm water and grind it up until a paste is formed. Take this glue and apply it directly to the affected area and cover with a cloth. As mentioned previously, charcoal does blot so use a fabric you won’t mind throwing out.