Healthy herbal teas in wooden spoons with glass tea cup and strainer, teas also used in traditional chinese alternative medicine and on oak background.

Hepatitis B and C are becoming more and more common infectious diseases. These diseases are spread via the blood and body fluids. Individuals at highest risk of contracting these diseases are those involved in the health care field, intravenous drug users, individuals who received blood transfusions before there was screening for these diseases, and individuals involved in unprotected sex. The jury is still out, but getting tattoos might also be a risk element.

Natural Solutions for Hepatitis B & C

The drug of choice for treating these breeds of chronic disease has many side effects, and it can be quite an ordeal to go through six to eighteen weeks of therapy with this medication. For certain strains of hepatitis C, the results aren’t so good. Relapses are common.

Chinese medication can be helpful for handling the side effects. Some people also choose to use alternative medicine as their standalone therapy. Chinese medicine could be good for improving liver function and returning liver enzymes to normal, but it isn’t necessarily as beneficial for reducing the amount of virus within the body.

Many essential oils are antiviral like eucalyptus, lemon, oregano, and thyme, but because they’re processed by the liver they need to be used in much smaller doses than normal. Ravensara essential oil has been used as a potent antiviral agent and might work well for liver ailments. Anything which may be used to support the use of the liver can help a whole lot with hepatitis.

Milk thistle is a widely used herb. Capillaris, white peony, and mint are generally used Chinese herbs which have been proven to be beneficial to the liver. The Chinese herb, isatis, has been used in China as an antiviral agent.

Research in India and the Philippines has shown that virgin coconut oil in its raw unrefined state has antiviral effects against the AIDS virus. The study shows that a part of coconut oil, monolaurin, has strong antiviral properties. These countries are thinking of the possible uses of coconut oil as an inexpensive and readily available treatment for AIDS in their own countries. Bitter melon is a commonly consumed Asian vegetable which also may have antiviral properties.

Colloidal silver may be beneficial if prepared properly and taken in large quantities. Olive leaf extract may also be beneficial. Astragalus, schizandra, and licorice are other Chinese herbs which may enhance the functioning of the liver. Bupleurum root is quite beneficial for hepatitis and many liver problems, but it is contraindicated for people on interferon therapy because the drug and herb interact negatively collectively.