Intestines and pills, probiotics, antibiotics. Gut protection, recovery from illness and treatment.

The first thing comes up in our minds when we consider our digestive organs is gut, colon, or liver. When patients are asked to demonstrate where the pancreas is, typically what I get is a vague response. Oftentimes, they point to a region that’s extremely far from the location where pancreas is available. Despite the fact that they do not know its place, what they do understand is the use of the pancreas in insulin production and diabetes. Also a great deal of people express fear of the pancreatic cancer.

About The Pancreas

Unfortunately, people don’t know a lot about the pancreas. Pancreas is your small-elongated gland with many vital activities and functions. If you think pancreatic disorders are relatively rare, look around you. Almost every household has a member with several digestive symptoms including nausea, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, stomach cramps and pain. The individual with all or some of these symptoms might not even know that these are the problems about the pancreas not performing correctly. Normal digestion is dependent upon proper number of excellent quality of the pancreatic enzymes.

Gastrointestinal Tract

Let’s take look at the gastrointestinal tract, a long tube with several chambers (stomach, small, and large intestine) where digestion, absorption, and elimination happen. Almost all the food we consume consists of carbohydrates, fats, and carbohydrates. Thanks to digestion, proteins are broken down into smaller particles known as amino acids. Furthermore, they can go through the gut’s walls into the bloodstream so our bodies can use amino acids to create tissues. After we eat fats, they are broken down into fatty acids, to supply our body’s energy requirements. When we consume complex carbohydrates, they are broken down into simple sugars, which are the chief sources of energy for our bodies. If we get the surplus of carbohydrates, our body divides it to the fat.

Over half of carbs and proteins and 90 percent of those fats are digested in the small intestine with assistance from pancreatic digestive enzymes. Low quantity and poor quality of the pancreatic digestive enzymes will result in indigestion. Imagine what would happen if you put everything you ate at dinner at the plastic bag and leave it in a hot room for 24 hours. Proteins will be rotten, fats will be rancid, microbes and yeast will ferment carbohydrates. The plastic bag will burst, due to the stinky poisons gas which will be accumulating inside within a time period.

There are only two instructions for our gastrointestinal tract to eliminate the poisons and gas out of indigested food: around the gut and even stomach, or down into the colon. When the radicals move upward, individuals experience gas, bloating, fullness, abdominal pain, heartburn. When undigested toxic food travels down – gas, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation occur.


Evidence and clinical researches reveal that low portions of the pancreas create various disorders of the GI tract, which vary from dyspepsia, IBS, GERD, ulcers to autoimmune diseases and cancers. To establish these facts, in my novel, I used over 300 references from professors and physicians all around the planet. Low pancreatic function is a cornerstone of nearly all gastrointestinal ailments and illnesses. Luckily, pancreatic gland has a enormous working capacity. And that means that individuals are able to survive when 90 percent of the pancreatic tissue is gone.

Unfortunately, pancreatic consciousness begins too late when only 10 percent of pancreatic tissue is left and therapy approach is restricted. Therefore, any symptoms of indigestion should be considered alarm bells, and physicians should focus on the pancreas. Up to now, there’s absolutely no easy and safe pharmaceutical remedy to boost the production of the pancreatic digestive enzymes. However, it may be accomplished by utilizing a holistic natural approach.

Healthy Diet

First thing should be changed is your diet. We must stop and ask ourselves questions about what we eat and how we eat it. No living creature on the planet, except for us people, concurrently eats macaroni and cheese, meat and dessert, ice cream, fruits and coffee. Nor do they consume processed “dead” food without natural digestive enzymes. Nobody in the living world eats “on the move”, watching TV, or even when driving. And last but not least, it’s only human beings who use drugs, alcohol, drugs, and sustain the environmental toxins. All these make a huge burden on our thyroid gland; consequently, healthy pancreatic diet is a key for healthy digestion.

In healthy individuals, pancreas produces 6-8 cups of clear, alkaline pancreatic juice per day. Content of the pancreatic juice contains minerals, water, bicarbonates, trace elements, and a great deal of the digestive enzymes. The pancreas is the most important organ in the human body to produce enzymes. It’s essential to state that, for appropriate function, all pancreatic enzymes require an alkaline environment. If pH changes to neutral variety, pancreatic enzymes stop working in the small intestine. Alkalinity for pancreas is life, contrary to it, acidity signifies death.


How to promote alkalinity of the pancreatic juice? Naturally, it can be carried out by alkaline diet, mineral supplements, mobile magnesium-potassium, or by drinking healing mineral water. Medical doctors from different nations have used these methods for centuries. European physicians either use Karlovy Vary healing mineral water in the regional springs, or water that is prepared in the disappeared real Karlovy Vary spring salt in the home. This water was used for centuries for various digestive ailments, especially in the pancreatic and liver/gallbladder issues.

Between other non-drug procedures, which can be utilized to improve the operation of the pancreas, good results could be achieved by employing acupuncture. When your acupuncturist states that you have Spleen Deficiency, it means your digestion is weak. Inserting needles in Spleen and Stomach meridians, enhances digestion, reduces gastrointestinal disorders, and reduces abdominal pain. Many medical books and articles support this actuality. And I myself see the improvement in my patients daily. In China and Russia, positive acts of acupuncture in acute pancreatitis are supported by clinical researches.

Try These Herbs

People often use herbal lavender or peppermint tea for indigestion and stomach fullness. Chinese, European, Russian, Native American medications present various single herbs and herbal formulations for digestive ailments. Consistently, people have always used spices for flavor, food conservation, health purposes, and preventing food poisoning for centuries.

To make 2 liters of pancreatic juice, the pancreas requires a whole lot of water. Dehydration is unhealthy for the pancreas and might lead to pancreatitis. Digestive (pancreatic) disorders are prevalent in today’s world. The normal pancreatic function is critical for digestion, which means improving pancreatic function usually reduces perspiration. The purpose is to seek out a knowledgeable licensed medical practitioner before it’s too late.