Heartbeat line on red apple and stethoscope, healthy heart diet concept background

Lifestyle factors cause most episodes of cardiovascular disease and diseases from the blood flow, either partially or fully. Bad lifestyle can lead to blood vessels to be substituted, higher blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the circulatory system. These changes will themselves decrease the overall condition and tissue health, and may lead to more dramatic events like blod clots, heart infarction or stroke.


Here are a few simple advices to prevent disease in the heart and blood vessels and to help recover great circulatory health if such illness already exist.

  • Don’t smoke or use any other kinds of nicotine sources. Smoking is possibly the most potent cause of circulatory issues.
  • Have some exercises at least every second day which make your heart work harder. Jogging, cycling, playing basketball, swimming or other activities where you improve your energy consume are good for your blood flow. The exercises should nevertheless be adjusted to your current health condition.
  • Get enough sleep every 24 hours. All the sleep doesn’t however must occur during night. You can for example take out a number of your need for sleep for a siesta in the middle of the day. 7 hours sleep appears to be the perfect for optimum circulatory health. Much more sleep appears to be bad for your blood flow.
  • Avoid a high quantity of stress over a longer period. If there’s something in the way you live or work that makes you stressed, you must make adjustments. Meditation is a fantastic procedure to stress down.
  • Decrease the amount of fat in your diet. Do not add much oil, butter or other types of fat to your meals. Don’t eat a lot fast-food or ready made food which often contain great amount of additional fat.
  • Avoid altogether chemically modified fat, so-called trans-fat. This sort of fat can be found in margarine and is often added to a lot of sorts of cookies.
  • Avoid excellent quantities of saturated fat, as found in fat milk, fat diary products, coconut butter and products.
  • Still you will need some fat. The fat you mainly need are mono-unsaturated fat as found in olives, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and almonds, omga-3-polyunsaturated fat found such as in fish, seafood and flax oil and omga-6-polyunsatyrated found in sunflower oil, soy oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds and lots of kinds of nuts.
  • Much of the fat you choose to improve your food should be oils with low-fat fat such as olive oil, rape oil, almond oil or canola oil. Marine oils or flax oil could be added to find enough omega-3-fat. You may even use some soy oil, corn oils and other kinds of natural oils with a high content of omega-6-fat, but don’t use too much of them to prevent over-consuming this sort of fat.
  • Avoid consuming great amounts of salt. Do not include much salt into the food that you ccok, and don’t eat excellent quantities of ready made salty food. When it’s hot in the weather or you’re in high physical activity, you will however need some salt, and have to consume more than elswhere.
  • Eat some nuts, nuts or sunflower seeds a few times per week, because these food types offer you fat beneficial for your circulatory health.
  • Eat fish at least every second day. Use lean beef, lean poultry, mushrooms, seafood and lean journal products in the food that you make.
  • Consume a moderate number of carbohydrates. Avoid adding great amounts of sugar to your food. Avoid consuming much sweet beverages, cookies and snacks with wonderful quantities of sugars and other carbohydrates.
  • Use carbohydrate sources which contain fibre and that allow the carbs be consumed over a while, such as full corn bread and cereals, beans, peas and fresh fruit.
  • Eat fruit and vegetables to every meal so as to get enough vitamins, minerals, fibres and anti-oxidants. They ought to be raw or just gently cooked so the content of nutrients isn’t washed out.
  • A moderate alcohol eat is very good for your blood flow, particularly red wine, but over-drinking has the contrary effect.
  • Avoid excessive eating. Eating too much is bad for your blood circulation though you eat food.
  • Reduce excess weight. The tips depicted above will frequently over time normalize your weight. If this isn’t sufficient you should execute a more specific weight reduction plan.
  • If you suffer from diabetes, this disease should be well controlled.
  • Extra supplements of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants could be useful. Also some herbal supplements containing adaptogenic aspects can be helpful, such as supplements based on ginseng or roseroot (Rhodiola rocea). Supplements are especially useful if it’s tough to attain a fully satisfactory diet, or you’ve got additional stressful conditions in your life you can’t avoid.