Selection of healthy fat food. Raw steak of salmon with fresh ingredients with high-fat benefits

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in America. An estimated 81 million American adults, or more than 1 in 3, have one or more types of cardiovascular disease, for example: high blood pressure, Atherosclerosis (build up of cholesterol, fat, and fibrous tissue in the walls of the arteries), coronary heart disease – narrowing of the arteries to the heart muscle, reducing blood supply to the heart, and resulting in angina pectoris (chest pain) and myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart failure, andstroke (disturbance of blood supply to the brain).

Did You Know?

For at least two decades, cholesterol was vilified as the offender for heart disease. You’ve been advised by doctors and the media to keep your cholesterol as low as possible. Consequently, a low-carb diet is endorsed and foods such as eggs and animal (saturated) fats that are high in cholesterol have been banished.

In fact, cholesterol is critical for your body. It’s found not only in your blood, but also in every cell in your body, where it helps to produce cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids for fat digestion. Moreover, cholesterol is vital for your memory and brain function.

Eating foods high in cholesterol does not merely translate to elevated blood cholesterol. In fact, one of cholesterol’s functions is to repair injuries. When the liver receives signals that there is harm in the lining of the arteries, it transports cholesterol to the region to perform the repair work. High levels of cholesterol frequently indicate that you have sustained much damage.


So what causes harm in the lining of arteries in the first place? Latest research indicates that insulin and leptin resistance are the strong causal connection to such harm resulting in cardiovascular disease. Insulin and leptin resistance is caused by eating too much sugar and processed carbs over an elongated time period.

In cases like this, how come a lot of doctors are still prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) for their patients? What are the side effects of statins and are they really helpful in lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease? Keep reading to learn more.

High blood cholesterol doesn’t automatically imply that you have a greater chance of cardiovascular disease. Discover how to evaluate your heart disease risk from the blood test results.

Finally, as with other degenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease is largely preventable with good lifestyle and dietary habits. Learn ways to naturally decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Heart Disease

75 percent of the cholesterol in your blood comes from what your liver is producing and distributing. That’s why the cholesterol that you eat plays small part in determining your cholesterol levels in the blood.

The cholesterol that is being made from the liver and deposited in your arteries is called LDL (the”bad” cholesterol), and the cholesterol that is being removed from the arteries back to the liver is named HDL (the”good” cholesterol). The main reason behind is taken back to the liver is that it may be conserved and recycled for future use.

One purpose of cholesterol is to keep your cell membranes from falling apart; it behaves as a super glue. When the lining of your arteries are damaged, inflammation occurs, just like when you cut your finger. The liver is advised to send cholesterol into the damaged site to perform repair work. This is a deliberate process that occurs in order for the body to make new, healthy cells.

A frequent issue is that there’s damage happening in your body on a regular basis. In cases like this, you have chronic inflammation, which contributes to accumulation of cholesterol in your arteries (called plaque) and a higher risk for high blood pressure and heart attacks.

Countless scientific studies have linked insulin and leptin resistance, caused by eating too much sugar and white carbohydrates, to harm in the lining of arteries and cardiovascular disease. That’s why people with diabetes (a disease characterized by insulin and leptin resistance) have a much greater chance of heart disease compared to people with normal glucose levels.

To make things worse, insulin and leptin resistance also lead to a larger number of small, dense LDL cholesterol (compared to larger and less dense LDL) which can squeeze between the cell liner within the arteries and get trapped, possibly oxidize (turn rancid), and cause more inflammation and plaque formation.

Statins Side Effects

If you’ve got high cholesterol, it means that you’ve got chronic inflammation in the body. The cholesterol is there to help your body heal and repair.

By taking cholesterol-lowering medication, yes, you’re lowering your cholesterol levels and reducing plaque buildup in your arteries but you’re not addressing why your body has to create the excess cholesterol in the first location. Besides, with less cholesterol to perform the repair job, how do you heal the damage in the lining of the arteries?

Statin drugs have proliferated on the market. In America, it’s the second most frequent category of drugs prescribed, after antidepressants. Many physicians prescribe them to reduce their patients’ cholesterol, not knowing that they’re only managing the symptoms but not the underlying disorder.

Additionally, they are exposing their patients to a collection of major side effects, such as:

  • muscle and tendon difficulties,
  • cognitive impairment, such as memory loss,
  • depressed immune function,
  • pancreas or liver disorder,
  • sexual dysfunction, and
  • cataracts.

Statins also decrease your CoQ10, which is an antioxidant that mops up free radicals and a biochemical which transports energy from food to your cells to be used for the work of staying healthy and alive. Statins, by obstructing the pathway involved in cholesterol production, also blocks the identical pathway by which CoQ10 is generated.

The loss of CoQ10 contributes to reduction of cell energy and increased free radicals that further harm your DNA and accelerate aging. The center is usually the first to feel the statin-associated CoQ10 depletion due to its very large energy demands. The longer you’re on the medication, the more complications you might have. These can range from chronic fatigue to cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease) and congestive heart failure.

Hence, if you’re on statins, you want to supplement with CoQ10. If you’re over 40, you should take the lesser version known as ubiquinol as your body is not as efficient in converting it. Unfortunately, most doctors do not tell you this.


Given these unpleasant side effects, are statins really helpful in lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease? Many studies reveal that the result is inconclusive for men and women that have not had a heart attack.

Even BusinessWeek did a story on this issue from the January 17, 2008 issue. It reports that in Pfizer’s own newspaper advertisement for Lipitor, the drug company boasts that Lipitor reduces heart attacks by 36 percent. But there’s an asterisk next to it and in smaller print underneath, it states:”In a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor.”

What this means is that for every 100 people who took Lipitor within the test interval, 3 individuals who were on placebos had heart attacks, versus two people on Lipitor. Not a substantial accomplishment to brag about!

Other research on Zetia and Vytorin (which is a combination of Zetia and Zocor) also don’t prove that the drugs reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes. Therefore, unless you’ve already had a heart attack, were born with a genetic defect called familial hypercholesterolemia, or are high in heart disease risk factors (see below), you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits before taking statins.

Alternatively, you might consider taking niacin (vitamin B3) to increase your HDL, and lower small, dense LDL and triglycerides (fats in blood). The significant side effect of high-dose niacin is flushing of the skin and itching. Unfortunately, the non-flush niacin that is available in the marketplace appears to be ineffective for this purpose.

Make sure that the niacin is nicotinic acid rather than other relevant forms as they’re not as effective. Start with 500 mg of sustained release niacin every second day and gradually work up to two g daily to minimize side effects like upset stomach, headache, and nausea.

Take niacin with a large meal like dinner and two glasses of water to decrease the hot flush. Sometimes, it’s crucial to bring an uncoated aspirin 30 minutes before taking the niacin. Also, don’t drink alcohol or warm fluids around the time of the dose.

Don’t take niacin if you have chronic liver disease, diabetes, or peptic ulcer. Always seek the advice of your doctor prior to taking high-dose niacin.

Risk Of Heart Disease

Except for individuals whose total cholesterol is 340 or higher, your cholesterol number isn’t necessarily the most accurate measure of heart disease risk. The following are indicators from the blood test results that provide a better assessment of your risk:

HDL/Total Cholesterol – ideally, this ratio should be over 0.24.
Triglyceride/HDL – ideally, this ratio should be below 2. Triglycerides have a tendency to rise from eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates, being physically inactive, smoking, excessive drinking, and being overweight or obese. Elevated levels increase heart disease risk.

Small, dense LDL – a high number is related to a greater risk.
Homocysteine – too much of the amino acid in the blood is associated with buildup of plaque in arteries and often form clots.
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) – a marker for chronic inflammation in the body.

Small, dense LDL, homocysteine, and CRP aren’t part of your normal blood cholesterol tests. You need to specifically ask for these additional tests.

Please note that a few individuals with high cholesterol may not have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and should definitely not be taking statins. On the other hand, some people with low cholesterol are in fact at risk for heart disease. The following section discusses ways to prevent cardiovascular disease through heart-healthy lifestyle and dietary habits.

Natural Treatment

The goal here isn’t to lower your cholesterol as low as it can go because cholesterol, as clarified, serves several very important functions in the body. Rather, you need to prevent chronic inflammation that increases your risk of heart disease in addition to many other degenerative ailments.

Optimize your insulin levels. 75% of your cholesterol is produced by your liver, which in turn, depends upon your insulin levels. Sugar, through a process called glycation, causes harm in the lining of your arteries. Therefore, if your HDL/Total Cholesterol ratio is too low, your should aim to remove sugar, fruits, and grains from your diet. Then, slowly reintroduce a tiny quantity of fruits and whole grains as soon as your cholesterol improves.
Make certain that you get loads of top quality, mercury-free fish oil. It comprises omega-3 fats that help reduce inflammation, lower your cholesterol and trigylcerides and boost your HDL cholesterol. Studies indicate that fish omega-3 is equally as successful as low-dose aspirin in preventing cardiovascular disease, with no long-term side effects of the drug.

Avoid oxidized fats or trans fats. Steer clear of refined vegetable oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats. These fats may be damaged and oxidized during high heat cooking or processing. Oxidized fats are characterized by the presence of free radicals which cause inflammation in the body. Don’t use canola, corn, soy, safflower, or sunflower oils. Be aware that they’re generally utilised in fast foods, restaurants, and processed foods.
Avoid charring your meats.

Metabolic Factor

  • Eat right for your Metabolic Type. Protein types often require more protein and fat (specifically, red and dark meats) and less carbs than the Mixed and Carb types. By eating the correct proportions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates for your body, it is going to be like giving an engine the ideal mixture of fuel to operate in the most effective way. If you would like to discover your Metabolic Type and the best foods for your particular body, please contact me.
  • Heart-healthy fats include olive oil, coconut oil, organic dairy products (butter, cream, cheese, etc.), organic free-range eggs, avocados, raw seeds and nuts, and organic grass-fed meats.
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels at 50-70 ng/ml. Research studies find that vitamin D deficiency is associated with stiffening of the arteries, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke.
  • Reduce your homocysteine levels. Folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and choline are nutritional supplements that lower homocysteine. These nutrients are found mostly in legumes, meats, and green leafy veggies.
  • Check your thyroid. Poor thyroid function (hypothyroidism) frequently leads to high cholesterol levels. Low thyroid function can be due to a diet high in sugar and low in fat-soluble minerals and vitamins. Use natural sea salt, not the refined iodized salt, to get a balanced intake of minerals.
  • Exercise daily. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and blood circulation throughout your body. Even 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day can improve your cardiovascular health.
  • Drop the extra weight. Carrying extra pounds raises your chance of cardiovascular disease. Even a small weight reduction will increase your HDL levels.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking constricts your blood vessels and increases your risk of heart attacks.Don’t drink alcohol too. Limit to one drink per day.
  • Address the sources of anxiety in your life. Reduce them or learn ways to deal with them.
  • Get loads of restorative sleep nightly.