Asian child girl with stomach ache,woman having aching belly with stomach flu or gastroenteritis virus (norovirus infection) causes of gastritis,severe pain,abdominal problems,irritable bowel syndrome

I’m 22 and have suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for eight months. I’ve tried Western remedies, acupuncture, and cut out wheat and milk from my diet, but nothing helps the bloating. What can I do?

Take Note

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common name for a conglomerate of eccentric, unlinked symptoms. The term’syndrome’ refers to a group of symptoms, which, unlike a disorder, have no clearly identifiable origin. Since a real cause for the abdominal symptoms you and many others suffer is unknown, physicians often treat it in precisely the exact same manner as a stress-related difficulty, offering drugs and antidepressants for symptomatic relief. My view is that there are several possible causes, as listed below, and I often do a tongue diagnosis to discover. Sometimes, however, infections of the gastrointestinal tract or parasites in the gut are the actual culprits.

An overgrowth of the fungus candida albicans (a sort of yeast, which is fed by glucose ) will lead to gas, bloating, abdominal cramps and lethargy an hour after eating gluten-containing meals (ie, pasta or piz’a), and bacterial infections, such as athlete’s foot or mouth ulcers. The signs to look for on the tongue are a thick, white, furry coating and deep cracks.

Stomach Acid

Excess stomach acid contributes to heartburn, indigestion, acidity in the mouth, a feeling of fullness, bloating (30 to 40 minutes after meals when the stomach acid blends with bile and other intestinal secretions), irritability once the stomach is empty, or excruciating hunger pants. The signs to look for on the borders of the tongue are reddish markings and/or teeth-like impressions with semicircular ridges and serrations.

Diverticulitis, a state where a pan or regions of the colon blow up because of repeated and excessive gas formation, causes stool masses to collect in these sacs. This causes constipation, and then diarrhoea when they’re full. If both are alternating, the odds are that you have diverticulitis.

Constipation causes flatulence and/or lower abdominal bloating. The tongue is going to have a thick white coat in the back.

Since you’ve got excessive bloating, it appears likely that you’ve got excess stomach acid, and there’s also a possibility of candida or yeast overgrowth in the gut. Although I can not diagnose the specific cause, I will provide you a general treatment program. Stick to the next regime for three months:

What to Eat?

Breakfast Porridge with milk cottage cheese with manuka honey; soft boiled or poached eggs; rice or oat cakes; peeled apples or pears, melon, banana, papaya with live yoghurt and drink mint tea. Main meal Soft and overcooked foods like minced meal chicken and turkey (grilled, steamed or poached); fish without skin; mushy white rice; lentils (well soaked first); mashed potatoes and other root vegetables; heads of broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus; plain wheat-free pasta with olive oil, and rice pudding or custard sweetened with manuka honey.

Snacks Oat or rice cakes; pancakes (made with non-wheat flour); fruit (in the breakfast list); hazelnuts and walnuts. Strictly prevent yeast creates; citrus fruits; hard nuts, including peanuts and almonds; rich curries; chillies; canned and fried foods; white wine; champagne; beer, and extra sugar. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. Drink two glasses of water when you wake up, then massage the stomach clockwise. Drink water 30 to 45 minutes either side of a meal and just take sips throughout a meal, if you desire. Rest for ten to l5 minutes after lunch to trigger digestion. Exercise Walk for five to ten minutes after your evening meal.


Yoga Practise the cleansing breath twice per day. Sand or sit , arms loose, upper back straight and shoulders back Close your mouth, look straight ahead and inhale deeply through your nose. Then breathe out immediately, pulling on your stomach. Pause, then repeat 25 times.