Balanced nutrition concept for clean eating flexitarian mediterranean diet. Assortment of healthy food ingredients for cooking on a wooden kitchen table.

What’s arthritis? It’s taken from two Greek terms, athron, which means joints and itis, which means inflammation. The term arthritis means swelling of the joints. Arthritis commonly badly affects individuals between the ages of 20 and 50, but can afflict all ages, even infants. The normal age one first encounters the early signs of arthritis is approximately 47 years old. According to a recent study, about three out of every five people with arthritis are under 65 years old.


      • powerlessness to use the hand or walk
      • depression and a feeling of fatigue
      • weight loss
      • insufficient sleep
      • muscle pain
      • tenderness or swelling
      • sophistication in moving the joint

Natural Remedies

      • Coconut or Mustard Oil- humid olive oil or coconut oil, combined with a couple of components of camphor used in rub down joints which are stiff and aching. It’ll add to blood supply, and decrease stiffness and inflammation because of the calming effect produced while massaging.
      • Garlic- It’s anti-inflammatory substance that explains its usefulness in the curing of the illness. Garlic may be in use raw or cooked as to individual’s preference
      • Bananas- A banana diet for 3 to 4 days is recommended in treating this ailment. The victim possibly will consume eight to nine bananas daily for the length of this period.
      • Lime- Dilute the fruit juice of a lime with a glass of water. This will be consumed once a day and should at all likely first thing of the day.
      • Alfalfa- Put a teaspoon of alfalfa seeds into a cup of water. A minimum of 3 to 4 cups of the tea should be taken daily for no less than fourteen days.
      • Green Gram Soup- This soup is ready through the practice of diluting a tablespoon of green gram in 1 glass of water along with two crushed garlic cloves. The mixture needs to be taken twice daily.
      • Castor Oil- recovery using castor oil was found beneficial in arthritis. It’s prescribed by physicians to simmer two tablespoons of castor oil. The oil should subsequently be blended into a single cup of fresh lemon juice. This mixture must be obtained before breakfast daily until the disease is cured.
      • Potato Juice- The standard process of preparing a potato juice is to slice a medium-sized potato into thin pieces without taking off the skin then leave the pieces overnight in a enormous glass full of cold water. Drink the water first think in the morning on an empty stomach.
      • Sesame Seeds- A teaspoon of black sesame seeds saturated in a 1/4 cup of water that was set aside during the night has been shown to be useful in preventing recurrent joint pain. The mix should be taken first thing in the morning.
      • Castor Oil- recovery using castor oil was found beneficial in arthritis. It’s prescribed by physicians to simmer two tablespoons of castor oil. The oil should subsequently be blended into a single glass of fresh orange juice. This mixture must be obtained before breakfast daily until the disease is cured.
      • Potato Juice- The standard process of preparing a potato juice is to slice a medium-sized potato into thin pieces without taking off the skin then leave the pieces through the night in a massive cup full of cold water. Drink the water first thing in the morning in an unfilled gut.
      • Sesame Seeds- A teaspoon of black sesame seeds saturated in a 1/4 cup of water that was set aside during the night has been shown to be useful in preventing recurrent joint pain. The mix should be taken when you wake up in the morning.

Natural arthritis remedies can relieve the crippling pain of the ailment. These remedies are safe and effective.