Portrait of young girl with skin problem

Perhaps you’ve had acne for a while now and have got rid of it by applying the different methods shared by specialists and the likes. Now your acne is gone, but it’s left you with scars and you’re wondering what to do.

Acne Scars

In this article I will share with you some simple yet effective methods of how you can eliminate your acne scars, interestingly each the method are do it yourself with materials that you can source from your dwelling.

Lemon juice

It can be sourced from lemon juice is among the most effective DIY available now. It’s known to be quite a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and an immune booster.

It includes citric acid, vitamin c, magnesium, calcium and other essential chemical which assists in getting rid of acne scars. Lemon juice can help to exfoliate your skin causing the body cells to comparison and for that reason dries out the blemish.

Here is how you can use lemon juice to the very best of outcomes. Wash the affected area thoroughly to remove dirt, oil and perspiration, dab dry with a clean towel. Rub lemon juice on the affected area gently in circular motion. It’s ideal that you do that once every 3 days before going to bed.

And in a matter of weeks your scars won’t merely disappear but you’ll be left with a gorgeous skin.


Papaya is another significant home remedy substance that’s very successful when dealing with acne scars and scars generally.

Its existence in many scars removal products shows its effectiveness; it’s properties which could remove dead skin cell, and excess oil from the skin surface. This is an effective means of getting rid of scars. You can use papaya following this direction; mash the flesh of the papaya till it creates a sort of glue,

Wash the affected area with water and dab dry with a clean towel. Apply the papaya paste to the affected area and leave it on for around 15 to 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

Apply a moisturizer if your skin indicates the inclination of becoming dried, otherwise don’t apply anything.

Repeat this procedure as often as possible but I’d advise that you pay closer attention to your skin’s reaction for this method since it will determine how frequently you should apply this method for the very best of outcomes.


This is also an effective way of eliminating your acne scars quickly. Tomato is an excellent source for antioxidant,

Minerals and vitamins that the skin needs in its fight against dangerous bacteria. They also help the skin in rebuilding its own tissues.

An efficient way to use tomatoes is that; cut the tomatoes into small piece. Make sure there’s juice in the piece; rub it on the affected area of your skin.

Do this as your final routine before going to bed. It is going to slowly clean your scars. Repeat this process daily and always until you observe remarkable difference on your skin.

Use an ice cube

Using ice cube in your scars will lead to a pleasant glow and stability in your skin. Get between 18 to 20 ice cubes;

Rub it gently in your affected area (that area of your skin where you have the scars), when the ice cube melts replace it with the other you don’t allow your skin to get warm until you’ve completely utilized the whole cubes.

It may feel extremely cold and you may feel tempted to stop but continue due to the result it will produce for you. Do this consistently every night before going to bed; you’ll discover your scars disappearing in a matter of weeks.

It’s imperative that you do so consistently for the very best of outcomes, bypassing it some night couldn’t provide you with the best of outcome.


Cucumber is perhaps among the most underrated natural skincare product. It has a high water content that allows it to moisturize the skin,

It will help to refresh and rejuvenate the darkened and wrinkled area of the epidermis. Using cucumber rightly would give your skin that young look that individuals would admire.

Method for a successful outcome

Cut your cucumber into slit, remove the seeds inside then combine the cucumber, add a couple of teaspoon of lemon juice.

Stir it thoroughly and then use it to the affected area of your skin. Leave it to place in this ought to take around 20 minutes.

You can then wash it off with water. Do this consistently for a couple of weeks and see your scars disappear.