Curious child exploring world. Portrait of inquisitive nosy little curly boy looking through fingers shaped like binoculars and expressing amazement. indoor studio shot isolated on blue background

Quite a few years ago an outbreak of pink eye at a basic school had all the mothers frantic and half of this school could be missing in action soon after the statement was sent home. Those days were before the education parents and medical care providers have been getting in current times about preventative measures to aid in ceasing the spread of pink eye. In the past if a single child was infected by pinkeye it wasn’t long before half the course ended up with it also.

Personal Hygiene

Now that personal hygiene is educated broadly in the schools in an earlier age parents are becoming more aware of how to prevent further disease of pink eye in the home. This has helped seclude outbreaks in order that they occur less often than previously. It’s still not unheard of to sometimes observe a significant outbreak spread quickly through a college. Pink eye can cause any parent concern when they see that their kid come home from school with a pink to exceptionally red eye. Hemorrhagic types of pinkeye cause small amounts of blood to distribute over the white portion of the eye as well as the look exceeds their actual capability to damage eyesight. The first scare is eye damage. Thankfully, pink eye rarely causes any long-term eye vision damage and some types of pink eye may resolve with no treatment in a week or so.


Otherwise called conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva which can be brought on by infections, viruses, allergies, viruses, bacteria, or a chemical that irritated the eye resulting in an infection. Just because some pink eye kinds will fade away without intervention, never risk your childrens sight with that thought process; always seek out medical eyecare from your family Optometrist immediately. Some kinds of pinkeye can be painful for around a year. Other more serious eye diseases may seem like pinkeye but really may be a great deal more sight threatening. Most schools won’t permit your child return to school unless you can show evidence that you’ve seen among those Eye Doctors in your area. Your Optometrist may offer your child a clean bill of health when they feel like they are no longer infectious. Unfortunately, this isn’t an exact science but it’s reasonable enough to significantly reduce the spread of pinkeye today. Typically a child will have to be out of school for 3-4 days.


Newborns born with pink eye is usually because of the mother passing on an STD (sexually transmitted disease) to the baby through the birth canal and can be serious if not captured at onset. Doctors are becoming more vigilant in assessing birth mothers before arrival for STD’s that can cause serious side effects in their newborn well before delivery, and treat those conditions throughout her term.


Pinkeye presents with symptoms of eye discomfort, commonly relayed as feeling like sand is at the eye. It may commonly cause the child to wake up in the morning with a thick crust that seals the lids together leading to the need for a warm towel to soften the mucus to have the ability to open the eye. Other common symptoms are sensitivity to light, itchiness, and excessive tearing. Pinkeye caused by bacteria or a virus are highly infectious and can be passed through touching an infected child, touching something an infected child has touched, coughing, and sneezing.

Avoid the spread

To avoid the spread of pink eye keep your kid out of daycare or school until your physician or Optometrist give the go ahead to allow them to return. Teach your children to wash their hands regularly and explain to them why it’s so important. Washing hands while singing the happy birthday song twice to themselves is a fantastic way to teach them properly. Also, teach your children not to share personal care items with another pupil or child if they’re aware that another child is sick or has a case of pink eye. Don’t use or touch anything belonging to that child until they’ve been given a clean bill of health. This is particularly true in young contact lens wearers; your little one should not attempt on another persons lenses or borrow their case or contact lens solutions.

At Home

In your house, wash pillowcases frequently, particularly anytime your child is sick as well as other linens and bedding. If your child has a case of the pink eye, separate their towels and washcloths items from the remaining families and wash their things in hot water. If your child is at dangers of coming down with pinkeye because of allergies, restrict their pollen contact by keeping your kid indoors on heavy pollen times, keep your house closed up during these intervals, dust and vacuum every day, and avoid exposing your kid to some other free radicals in the atmosphere like cigarette smoke, smog, automobile exhaust, etc.. If you suspect your child might have a case of the pinkeye or a school nurse has delivered your kid home, contact an experienced Optometrist for treatment as necessary for your own child.