Vaginal infection and vaginal odor of a women. On a gray background

No girl is exempt from suffering from vaginal odor, it’s a natural mechanism of the body which happens in most female species, the vagina has a natural distinctive odor that through time you’ve become accustomed too, however the vaginal odor we speak of might not function as wholesome smell that’s expected from around this area.

Important Facts

How can a woman know if the odor from the vagina is a natural odor or an unnatural one? Every girl knows her body sexually and will detect straight off the existence of an unusual odor. Natural vaginal odor can be prevented from getting stronger, but when the odor is of the unusual type as in (stink) then you might need to find a doctor for fear that the problem may require medication.

Personal hygiene is most profound for any woman, if the vagina is not cleansed frequently then anticipate the vagina to emit more of its natural discharges thereby causing the vaginal odor to become plump which may be unpleasant or embarrassing


To help prevent this from occurring cleaning the vagina should incorporate the inside in addition to the out. Did you know that the vagina itself is an odourless organ and doesn’t generate odor, however without washing, parasites and bacteria can enter the vagina, thus causing vaginal odor.

Prevention of bacterial build up can prove to be difficult, however there are ways to stem parasite intrusion i.e. entering the vagina. A common question asked by women is “Why does my vagina odor” or “I clean routine and I can smell a horrible stink” This is absolutely ordinary, but of course it all depends on what type of vaginal odour is present and causing the pong. Bacteria, parasites, and yeasts within the vagina create odours through waste or byproduct therefore causing a distinguishing vaginal odor. Women who suffer with this condition explain the odor from this orifice as a repulsive fishy odor.

Bacterial vaginosis

It may be the origin of the ‘fishy’ odour in the vagina. It’s an infection and might need treatment. The vagina doesn’t smell even during puberty, however if in the time of a monthly cycle it may do if not completely cleaned. Vaginal odour may well be brought on by an infection and particularly if the odor is of the disgusting form. The vagina is a part of the body that’s quite sensitive – so therefore be extra cautious if you tend on using over the counter drugs to deal with the problem.

Vaginal Cleansing

The vagina is an organ of the body that’s self cleaning. Cleaning the vulva requires nothing more than water. Remember that when using products containing certain chemicals that are unsuitable can do more damage than good. Chemical addition in some products that come in contact with the vulva can strip the vulva of its natural oils leaving it dry and frequently irritated and prone to disease like yeast infections. Always follow directions on any product packaging and follow accordingly. Chemicals can be potentially harmful particularly if they find their way to the urethra causing urinary tract infections. Chemical based products in the vagina may interrupt the natural PH of the vagina, which causes an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria, genital mycoplasmas, and gardnerella vaginalis, with decreased or absent lactobacilli. Another symptom of disease which causes vaginal odours is a change in color of release, the amount you lose and depth.

Any unusual goings on in or around the vaginal area in which you feel distress with the toilet i.e. a pain when urinating should always be checked out by your physician. Don’t be embarrassed to speak with your GP about your vaginal odour. What could be more embarrassing than telling your physician or have your friend turn their nose up when you sit down.