Young woman holding red card at waist

It’s estimated that as many as 75 percent of women will suffer from vaginal infection during their lifetime. Stress, menopause and childbirth are one of the many potential causes of this condition. If you suffer from vaginitis, or worried you might later on, then you ought to be aware that there are natural remedies that could bring fast, effective relief or used as a preventative measure.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

with mom is a terrific home remedy for vaginitis. Each morning take two teaspoons of the vinegar in eight ounces of water. If you discover you have a yeast infection it’s also helpful to apply this vinegar to the vaginal area.


It is a highly tested herb with many uses. It’s a natural antifungal and antibacterial which has many health bringing qualities. Include more of the food on your weekly diet. Experiment with various methods of preparing until you find ways that are comfortable that you incorporate this life . Additionally, it has many externally uses. To get the most from garlic whether eating or employing externally you want to chew or grate it so the oil from inside comes out that has the wholesome benefits. If you just can`t eat the food you are able to supplement or try a combination of eating and supplementing. Real food has other elements that work with each other that you don`t find in supplements. Therefore try to add as much actual food as possible


It is a fantastic and relaxing treatment and useful for vaginitis. Combine the oils Myrrh, Lavender and Tea tree into your bath for quicker relief. All three are antifungals. Tea tree can help combat infections. Besides using lavender in the bath I suggest using a diffuser with lavender in it while bathing. Stress often results in this and other ailments and lavender aromatherapy is a excellent aid for relaxation.


It is another terrific herbal remedy. You can find this at a salve at finer health food stores or create your own. It may relieve irritation and itching. This herbal remedy can also be used as an extract. Vaginitis is often caused from inflammation and calendula is a natural anti inflammatory.


This herb contains organic anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. Many who are knowledgeable in this field agree that this herb is excellent for conditions affecting the eyes, intestines, nose and vagina. For vaginitis, use a diluted extract for a douche. Many find it very effective for some types of this condition. For internal usage take 800 – 1000 mg daily in capsule form. Break the complete dosage into two or three doses during the day. You might even take this in tincture form with water a couple of times daily. Please consult your herbalist about ways to prepare these.


Learn to be kind to your body by learning how to use natural cures and home remedies for vaginitis and other common ailments.