legs of a plastic doll with a red heart covering the crotch on a vibrant blue background

Home treatment alternatives for Bacterial vaginitis include natural yogurt, teas, cold water, neem powder, garlic, garlic extract, tracheal, vegetable juice, cedar oil, etc. Bacterial vaginitis is in fact swelling from the Genitourinary Tract (GIT) from a female characterised by some type of thick, white, strong smelling discharge from vagina. It’s created as a result of growth from a set of bacteria resulting in pH imbalance inside affected region. This will lead to redness, swelling, pain, and burning sensation to the female. Its readily curable with natural home remedies and a few precautionary measures involving personal hygiene.

Bacterial vaginitis

Also called as Bacterial vaginosis, is among the most frequently developing condition where there is fluid release from genitourinary tract of the female. It’s characterised by inflammation of the vagina and increased alkalinity or increase in pH in the areas encircling it. Based on the Bandolier, a Journal which offers evidence based remarks; about 10% women in the world are afflicted by the condition. Yet as many as 1 / 2 of the women population have either mild or no symptoms.


It’s caused due to overgrowth of the specific group of bacteria that out competes the conventional flora of veins becoming a change from acidic to alkaline conditions. It’s possible to treat the disease but when left untreated, bacterial vaginitis boosts the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) along with problems while pregnant.

The dominant signs of Bacterial vaginitis are outlined below:

      • Itching in vaginal area
      • Pain or burning is greater and evident while peeing or through sexual intercourse
      • The lips outside the vagina, vulva are reddened
      • Vaginal release That’s thick or thick and white or greyish in colour
      • Foul and embarrassing odor from the discharge
      • Discharge is raised after coitus or monthly period cycle
      • If the release is small with streaks of blood, its indicative of atrophic vaginitis

Bacterial vaginitis is in fact curable if you take little precaution. Home cures prove substantially beneficial in managing the symptoms of bacterial vaginitis.

Natural Treatment

      • Yogurt: Cotton plugs saturated in yogurt may be injected or yogurt specifically applied covering the affected place. Treatment with yogurt is still clinically looked into and decided to be useful in long haul as mentioned by Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment procedure. Taking bowlful of yogurt every day has also been indicated until the condition vanishes.
      • Tea: Take a tea bag, bathe in plain water and let it cool for a while inside refrigerator. The bag is currently able to be used externally to relieve itching.
      • Cold water: A material drenched in cold water can be put over the affected region to have relief from inflammation due to constriction of arteries. This might be the easiest home cure to get rid of distress and burning feeling.
      • Neem powder: Neem has excellent antibacterial properties it’s always advised in case of dermatological issues. Taking neem natural powder may alleviate bacteria from vaginal website.
      • Garlic: Garlic could be consumed raw as capsules (1-2 daily ) or put at vagina. Peeled garlic clove is covered with a gauze and try to insert it . Repeating the treatment after a period of 3-4 hours helps lowering the disease.
      • Turmeric: Being anti fungal, turmeric power dissolved in milk may be had until the signs diminish.
      • Tracheal: This natural herb helps remove toxins from body. One teaspoonful of tracheal dry leaves within a cup of water could be had as tea.
      • Vegetable Juice: Vegetable juice which comprises parsley, garlic and ginger together with green vegetables also has beneficial impact within the itching and pain during states of Bacterial vaginitis.
      • Cedar oil: Bathing in warm water with a spoonful of salt and few drops of cedar oil in it. Cedar oil helps a good deal in itchiness.


So you can keep oneself shielded and to step away from the difficult symptoms of Bacterial vaginitis you need to practice clean bathroom hygiene, rinse under clothes neatly, take warm tub. Towels, bed sheet, pillows in addition to other things of everyday use must be used individually. And the simplest way to stay away from these horrible vaginal bacteria would be to eat yogurt often.