Hands cropping small decorative tree on wooden floor, Small bonsai tree in the Earthenware.

Pruning is needed to keep the small size of this plant in addition to shaping it. New growth should be removed from the spring and from time to time throughout the growing season. However, it’s necessary that you leave enough for the plant to continue to flourish.


Styling is a matter of preference. If you’ve obtained a began bonsai plant, this might have already been completed for you and you’ll only be asked to prune to keep the work. If you’re growing your own or have purchased an un-styled or unshaped plant, take some time to research what’s best for your plant. Not all plants will be appropriate to your desired shape or style. Beginners might want to start with basic shapes and styles until more experience is obtained.


Bonsai is a mixture of art and gardening. It began in China, but it was the Japanese that took the art to a higher level. It was not until the nineteenth century which bonsai plants started appearing in gardens and homes worldwide.

Bonsai aren’t always the exact same type of plant. Plum, azalea, bamboo, pine and camellia are usually employed. While small leafed plants are generally used, they aren’t required. Unlike what many people think, they’re not genetically dwarfed plants. Instead they’re kept for their characteristic small size by careful pruning of the branches and roots and pinching back new growth. Wires and judicious pruning are utilized to form the plant.

While a bonsai does need care, it isn’t quite as hard as you may expect. Much like any other plant, it is going to require adequate water and light to survive. This is particularly true of indoor plants. Your plant should be put in a window with southern or eastern exposure. If there’s insufficient sunlight available, you might choose to use a lamp. Make certain to choose the plant outside sometimes for fresh air and sun.

Outdoor plants typically do not want plenty of attention concerning light. Care must be taken to match the amount of sun to the plant. While some plants such as juniper can tolerate full sun all day long, others prefer some shade in the day.


Watering is where many plant owners fail. Bonsai plants tend to dry out fast because of their size, requiring regular watering. However, it is important to not over water the plant . Most plants do well with a daily watering, with extra watering on very hot days. With indoor plants, a mister works nicely. If water is coming from the container on top or bottom, you may have over watered or let the soil to become too dry, which makes it pull away from the container. If the soil is dry, it is going to be necessary to soak the pot.

To safeguard your plant remains healthy and has lots of foliage to prune, a fertilizer should be used occasionally. Look for a water soluble one which comes at a 20-20-20 ratio. Time release liquid ones work well.


Pruning is needed to keep the small size of this plant in addition to shape it. New growth should be removed from the spring and from time to time throughout the growing season. However, it’s necessary that you leave enough for the plant to continue to flourish.


Caring for your bonsai plants might be calming portion of your day. Look after your plant and you’ll be enjoying it for many years to come.