Female uterus. Reproductive system

So many girls have had difficulty either conceiving or having the ability to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are lots of reasons why this occurs. If we rule out pelvic diseases, hormonal insufficiencies, immune system problems, drugs (for example, antibiotics, insulin, and antidepressants), scar tissue, and premature menopause, then other causes may explain the difficulty. With all the things that could be incorrect or go wrong, it’s a wonder people get to be born in any way!

What if..?

But say we are dealing with a perfectly healthy girl with regular menstrual cycles, and a standard production of fertile eggs, and the male has a high sperm count, but fertility remains an issue. There are causes that aren’t the first to be considered. One cause often overlooked is that the presence of uterine fibroids.

These are thought of as benign tumors of the uterine muscle (that is if you see infertility to be benign). However, it is the size and location that are crucial here. Some fibroids are small and located in a place of the uterus which won’t have any influence on the reproductive procedure.

Fibroids location

The 3 usual locations for fibroids are: Subserosal That Is on the exterior surface of the uterus, intramural that is with in the muscular wall of the uterus, and the last ones are the Submucous fibroids which bulge into the uterine cavity. This one is the problematic sort of fibroid since it is located within the uterine cavity. That’s not to say that fibroids which are located close to the fallopian tubes or cervix are not a problem. Those prevent the sperm or even the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus and implanting there. Sometimes they can even block the fallopian tubes causing no eggs to have the ability to get fertilized. Bottom line: uterine fibroids, bad.

But getting back to the submucosal fibroids. Large ones can interrupt the uterine lining as I mentioned previously, which makes it hard for proper implantation. They can also get in the way of this development of an embryo that would increase the chances for miscarriage. If the fibroids grow a little but beneath the endometrial lining in the uterus then protrude into the uterine cavity, they can cause fetal deformities, premature labor, and other labor complications. This is just so awful.


Before trying to conceive, uterine fibroids are detectable with a rectal examination or better yet a pelvic sonogram. But what if your doctor suggests surgery to remove the fibroids before attempting to become pregnant (if you are lucky enough to learn before conception)? You need to think about the fact that there could be a whole lot of blood loss and then of course the time required for recovery to be prepared to attempt and get pregnant again. Some surgeries, like a myomectomy claim to be minimally invasive, but they must reconstruct the uterus when they remove the fibroids. Does that seem minimally invasive? Not to me it does not. In addition to that, occasionally new fibroids can grow back later on.


Women in different countries around the world have had to handle fertility barriers also, though mathematically, not as much as in america. The difference is in their approach to a woman’s overall well being and getting the body be a healthy organism as a whole. Their strategy is more of a maintenance of uterine health to avoid these issues in the first location. You already know if you have some sort of gynecological issue.

Chances are you are going to experience heavy periods, even passing ailments, have periods that last longer than normal, and have mind numbing discomforts. I will end this article on a really positive note. If uterine fibroids are the cause of your fertility issues, surgery and drugs aren’t the only answer. In Europe and Asia and many in america are conscious of particular enzymes and food based nutrients which have been successful in breaking down these fibroids. There have been numerous girls who’ve gone on to conceive after taking this proactive natural approach to significantly shrink uterine fibroids. It helped me and I had a terrible case of “the invasion of the fibroids”. If you would like to be completely informed and would like to know precisely what has helped numerous other through the years, please see the community in the bio box. The community is dedicated to all girls who’ve gone through this but do not need to.