gourds, farmers market, yellow

As a personal trainer and nutritional expert, I would say that going organic is definitely worth it. Yes, it will cost quite a bit longer but you’re making an investment in the future.

What do I mean?

Well by purchasing organic food you’re getting more benefits than a nicer tasting meal, by making a stand against processed foods and buying organic food you’re saying no to the chemicals, toxins and hormones that are being pumped into our beef, eggs, vegetables and fruit. You are demonstrating that you truly care about what you’re putting into your body on a day to day basis.

If we watched the process from start to finish of most of our foods at the supermarket I’m sure we’d think more than twice as eating it. In most cases the great shaped food at the supermarket is often the end product of genetic engineering and an infinite quantity of growth hormones.

The more that people go organic, the more the food business will need to take notice!

So what does organic really mean?

A food label saying it is organic is providing you a guarantee that the item was made naturally and wasn’t subject to any sort of hormones, antibiotics, chemicals etc.

With regards to organic meat, you know that the animal has lived in good conditions, this helps to encourage healthy creatures who are less susceptible to disease for the duration of their lifetime. If an animal becomes sick and should be treated with antibiotics it has to be removed from the organic farm and marketed as it’s lost its natural status, based on government regulations to make sure that the product is organic.

Going organic helps to protect the environment for the future. The less dangerous and unnatural substances which are being pumped into our food, water and soil the better.

Everything starts with one person, only 1 person going organic won’t put an end to environmental harm, but it does not increase the problem.

A hot issue for me at the moment is detox. The benefits of going organic and saying no to the harmful chemicals is quite important, and beneficial to our bodies. You can not put a price on your health, so that’s the reason I think organic products are worth the additional money.

The additional price is because of factors like extra costs to grow these foods. More farmers are required to deal with the production of vegetables for instance as everything is done obviously e.g. weeded by hand.

The more organic we could find the better, in supermarkets that you have probably noticed labels like’organic’, made with organic ingredients and 100% organic. 100percent is obviously the best but the mention of organic is a lot better than not organic, so do everything you can.’ Organic’ labelling implies that the item is 95% organic whereas made with organic ingredients will be approximately 70% organic.

Take control of your health and your children’s health.